Digital marketing registration (통신판매업 신고증)

korea digital marketing license

Want to advertise your business in Naver Search AD or Korean shopping websites? You will need a digital marketing registration, or in Korean 통신판매업 신고증. A digital marketing registration is also known as mail-order business, telemarketing or online marketing registration.

There are two things that you need for a digital marketing registration: a business registration number and a safe shopping certificate (in Korean 구매안전서비스 이용확인증). You can get the safe shopping certificate from the website you want to advertise on. Below is an example.


With these two documents, you go to the district office (구청) of where your office is located. You may want to make sure the name of the business registration matches the one on the digital marketing registration (for example both in Korean or in English). The whole process will take around 3 working days.

5 comments on “Digital marketing registration (통신판매업 신고증)

  1. Hello JK SONG
    I have E-9 visa. I want to sell air ticket I dont need any office address or advertise online. I need a business registration number and company name business account. How can I do it?

  2. HELLO^^.
    i would like to know if it is possible for me even as a D-2 TO GET THIS CERTIFICATE ?I am starting a e-commerce on shopify and to really start a business certificate to get payment . but where can i get it? what should i do , where should i go ?what should i bring .

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